2G competition venice lagoon park
in the mood for venice
competition statement
Today it’s impossible to do a project in Venice being unaware of tourists. How can the venice lagoon change, re-designing the tourism phemenon in a sustainable way? Taking note of this! It’s already something…
01 analytic data
tourist visitors: 3 milion (2006) lagoon residents: 90.000 (2006)
02 venetian tourism phenomenology
venetian tourist [Sport events in the URBAN PARK, Cultural events in the URBAN PARK, Boat Rental, Electric boat trip (8h) on the LAGOON PARK] classic tourist [Marco Polo Airport / S. Lucia Railway Station, Visitor’s Center, P.zza S. Marco Venezia, Ponte di Rialto, Murano glass factories] chic tourist [Marco Polo Airport , Visitor’s Center, Gondola tour on the Canal Grande, Cinema Palace, Lido di Venezia] alternative tourist [Marco Polo Airport / S. Lucia Railway Station, Visitor’s Center, Boat Rental Point, LAGOON PARK (refuges, observatoriesi, energy station..)] cultural tourist [Marco Polo Airport / S. Lucia Railway Station, Palazzo Grassi, Biennale di Arte, Architettura, Cinema, Teatro, Cultural events in the URBAN PARK] romantic tourist [Marco Polo Airport / S. Lucia Railway Station, Ponte dei Sospiri, Ponte di Rialto, P.zza San Marco, Refuge, Electric boat trip] school tourists [S.Lucia Railway Station, P.zza San Marco, Palazzo Grassi, Biennale di Arte e Architettura, Murano glass factories, Cultural Events in the URBAN PARK]
03 the urban park programme (sacca san mattia)
new access: visitor center [hall, infopoint, services, multiuse hall, conferences, bar cafeteria and restaurant, shop, offices] landing stage [boat station, boat tour..]
boat rental point [boat station, services, boat mooring]
sport and leisure area [volleyball, tennis, football, basket, athletics, bowling, swimming pool, gymnasiums, children area, kiosks, services]
performances area [circus, theatre, events, events, open cinema, landing stage, equipments, kiosks, services]
04 lagoon prototypes
a_display boat [light display for news, weather information and events happening in the lagoon] use: intense in february, august, september decembe; high in july; soft in january, avril
b_energy way station [energy way station (aeolian/solar) to charge the electric boats (autonomy for 8h)] use: intense in august, september; high in february, july; soft in march, avril, october,november
c_refuge [3 days refuge with 6 bed places, a common room, kitchen and a terrace/observatory] use: intense in july, august, september, high in may, june, october; moderate in february december, soft in January, march, avril, november
d_pedestrian bridge [pedestrian metal and wood bridges with seats] use: intense in avril, august, september, high in march july, moderate in february,december, soft in January
e_bike rent [bike and electric cars rental points for an Urban Park tour] use: intense in august, septemebr; high in avril, may, june, july,ocotober; soft in march,november, december
f_electric boat [electric rental boats for Lagoon Park tour] use: intense in july, august, september; high in february; moderate in avril; soft in march, december
g_rafts/pool [wood floating rafts/swimming pools] use: intense in july, august, high in june september, moderate in may, soft in October
h_light/path signs [electric light signs, as paths for the navigable channels] use: intense in february, september, october, december; high in july, august, moderate in January, march, avril, may, june, november
i_boat station [organized tours, renting boats..] use: intense in august, september, moderate in march
l_food kiosk use: intense in august, september, high in avril
m_hot-air balloon use: intense in september, high in june, july, august, october, moderate in may, soft in february
n_observatory use: intense in july, august, september, high in avril, may, june, moderate in february, march, october, soft in january
o_landing stage [wood landing stage (for summer cultural events, mooring boats..)] use: intense in july; high in may, june, august, september, moderate in february, march, avril, soft in january, december
project team: mattia darò (leader), eugenia buffo, laura pujia
link: europaconcorsi ; 2G competition website
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